Friday, November 23, 2007

What women say?

What women say and what they actually mean.

“I don’t know…”
“I think…”
“… No”
“Not really.”
“I have never thought about you in that way”
Buzz off.
“It’s great.”
You can do better than that. Actually… much better than that.
“He’s cute.”
Not good looking.
“I have a headache.”
She has a headache.
“Coffee? … Will call you… for sure.”
I have a life.
“Do I look fat in this?” (With a smile)
You are dead both ways.
“Do I look fat in this?” (Seriously)
Come on… you can say yes and pay for my gym.
“I love you”
I love you.
“I love SRK”
Live with this one.


Garima said...

some of it is true no doubt...but for one, 'i dont know' means they do know for sure!

ritu said...

All is true BUT how about men ??? wat say